Professional Magento Upgrade Services Without Losing Data?

Just having an eCommerce business based on Magento is not good enough if you are focused on expansion and growth. You need to have an eCommerce store that is better in terms of performance, speed, and security.  This can only be achieved by upgrading your current store to the latest version of Magento.

Magento is quite a popular open-source platform used for eCommerce development but, it is still complex to understand especially when you have to deal with version upgrades. So instead of trying your hand on the upgrade, it would be better to hire professional Magento developers for the job. Such Magento developers have the experience, skill-set and are even certified for the job. This means such hired professional Magento developers will carry out the Magento 2 upgrade service by retaining the features and functionalities and ensuring data security.

So, before we get to know about the Magento upgrade service better, let’s understand the reasons why you should upgrade your store to the latest version of Magento.

Magento upgrade offers the following benefits:

·         Copyright update

·         Enhanced usability

·         Improved security

·         Better scalability

·         Offers some level of changes in USPS shipping

·         Cache management with modern ACL which makes it faster and effective

The benefits of the Magento upgrade service can be attractive however, the path is not that simple. When you go for professional Magento developers for the job, they will carry out the upgrade service for you in a hassle-free manner. When you choose to go for professional upgrade services you will be able to ensure that the upgrade takes place smoothly while the data remains intact.

When you opt for Magento 2 upgrade service from professionals you will be able to achieve certain things like –

·         Appealing user experience

The admin interface is customized in a way to manage the store easily and to let the admin users modify the products their way. The merchants can make modifications on the admin panel without having much knowledge of coding as they get to use the drag and drop editing in the layout. This kind of editing helps the user carry out their tasks effectively and easily.

·         Increased page loading speed

Earlier versions of Magento are a bit slow in terms of performance and speed. This issue can be resolved to an extent when you upgrade Magento to the latest version. Magento store with good speed will attract more customers towards it and this means more conversions. The better page loading speed will also help the store with higher search engine rankings.

·         Better checkout system

The checkout process in Magento 2 is more streamlined compared to Magento 1. Again, it is faster than the previous version too. Magento 2 lets the guest users visit the store and buy products without having to go through the registration process. Again, the registered customers are identified by their email addresses automatically. The process of placing orders has also got simplified with Magento 2, thus delivering an amazing customer experience.

·         Seamless extension update

With Magento 2, installing extensions has become easier. In the case of Magento1, it took lots of time for the Magento experts to even install the basic extensions. This issue has been resolved with Magento 2 with the use of HTML, CSS3, and LESS.

·         Search engine friendly

Magento 2 focuses more on responsive front-end design. This means the eCommerce store can be accessed over different kinds of devices by the users. This helps the site secure a better position on Google search results as the Google algorithms used here to make it more responsive, in terms of SEO.

·         Database segmentation

Magento 1 comes with a single database for developers, admins, and customers. Now, this leads to database overload if traffic increases. So by any means the load on the admin’s end increases, then it will affect the experience of customers and so does the UI. Things are different in the case of Magento 2 as here database solutions are separated for orders, product data, and checkout. Moreover, you can keep the database separately when you plan to scale the website, and this way there will be no negative impact on its performance.

·         Better add-to-cart feature

In the case of Magento 1, the page would load every time a product is added to the cart by the customer. Now repeatedly loading a page or the one that takes more time to load increases the bounce rate. Now when you upgrade to Magento 2, the issue with page reloading every time will be resolved with the functionality of ‘Ajax add-to-cart.

·         Enhanced customization and easier product uploads

Product uploads have become a lot easier with Magento 2 as it offers a step-by-step guide. Moreover, admins can now add photos and videos of products easily and this lets them turn their product gallery into interactive and attractive for the users.

·         Smoother navigation on the admin side

In the case of Magento 1, the admin navigation is a little complicated and so the users who had the ability to work on complex interfaces of eCommerce stores could use them efficiently. Now in the case of Magento 2, the admin interface has been simplified in a manner that anyone without much knowledge or experience could use it too.

Some of the Magento upgrade services offered by Magento professionals are –

·         Upgrading theme design

·         Upgrade customers, orders, and product database to the new version

·         Upgrade the modules installed on your previous version coming from the third party

·         Magento core update

·         Resolving issues that come up during the Magento migration process

·         Final testing


If you are planning to upgrade your Magento store then you will need to hire professional Magento developers for the job. Here at Mage Monkeys, we have a bunch of skilled Magento developers who have the experience of working on different Magento upgrade projects. To know more about how we can help you with your upgrade process, contact our team today.


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